Source code for okra.mgmt_api

""" Generate tables for the Okra-API management command

Strategy here is to check a directory for updates, then 
consolidate those into parquet files with datetime in file
name. Those parquet files are then uploaded into the Okra API.

Metrics are targeting the 'proto/okra_api.proto' interface.
from datetime import datetime
import os
import logging
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import func

from okra.assn4 import (get_truck_factor_by_project,
from okra.bus_factor import get_bus_factor
from okra.models import DataAccessLayer, Author, Meta, Contrib, CommitFile
from okra.proto import okra_api_pb2
from okra.repository_metrics import (repo_info, iso_date_aggregation,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def date_toiso(datetime, timespec='minutes'):
    return datetime.isoformat(timespec=timespec)

[docs]def msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, item, status: str, yearmo: str): """ Compute IsoDateAggregation message """ isodt = msg.isodates.add() isodt.yearmo = yearmo isodt.commit_hash = item.commit_hash isoyr, isowk, isody = item.contributed.isocalendar() isodt.iso_week = isowk isodt.iso_year = isoyr isodt.status = status return msg
[docs]def msg_repository_info(dal: DataAccessLayer, repo_id: str, yearmo: str): """ Compute RepositoryInfo message Note that default behavior for first/last msg_iso_date_aggregation() is to use the same msg item for IsoDateAggregation if only one msg item exists for a given yearmo. An empty message except for repo_id and yearmo will be returned if no commits exist for a given yearmo. """ msg = okra_api_pb2.RepositoryInfo() qres = repo_info(dal, yearmo) if len(qres) == 0: msg.repo_id = repo_id msg.yearmo = yearmo return msg msg.repo_id = repo_id msg.yearmo = yearmo # Set up iso dates (first, last) first = qres[0] last = qres[-1] msg = msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, item=first, status='first', yearmo=yearmo) msg = msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, item=last, status='last', yearmo=yearmo) return msg
def msg_repository_metric(dal: DataAccessLayer, repo_id: str, yearmo: str): msg = okra_api_pb2.RepositoryMetric() msg.repo_id = repo_id msg.yearmo = yearmo # IsoDataAggregation qres1 = iso_date_aggregation(dal, yearmo) if len(qres1) == 0: return msg first = qres1[0] last = qres1[-1] msg = msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, first, status='first', yearmo=yearmo) msg = msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, last, status='last', yearmo=yearmo) # Author count msg.author_count = find_author_count(dal, yearmo) # Contributor count msg.contrib_count = find_contributor_count(dal, yearmo) # File level metrics qres4 = find_file_metrics(dal, yearmo) msg.file_count = qres4.file_count msg.lines_added = qres4.lines_added msg.lines_subtracted = qres4.lines_subtracted # Truck factor member_count, members = get_bus_factor(dal, yearmo) msg.truck_factor = member_count return msg def msg_repo_history_metric(dal: DataAccessLayer, repo_id: str, yearmo: str): msg = okra_api_pb2.RepositoryHistoryMetric() msg.repo_id = repo_id msg.current_yearmo = yearmo # IsoDataAggregation qres1 = iso_date_aggregation(dal) if len(qres1) == 0: return msg first = qres1[0] last = qres1[-1] msg = msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, first, status='first', yearmo=first.yearmo) msg = msg_iso_date_aggregation(msg, last, status='last', yearmo=last.yearmo) # Find start yearmo msg.start_yearmo = first.yearmo # Find last commit info msg.last_commit_yearmo = last.yearmo msg.last_commit_hash = last.commit_hash # Total lines added/subtracted fimet = find_file_metrics(dal) msg.total_lines_added = fimet.lines_added msg.total_lines_subtracted = fimet.lines_subtracted # Total truck factor member_count, members = get_bus_factor(dal) msg.total_truck_factor = member_count # Total days in project time_elapsed = last.contributed - first.contributed msg.total_days = time_elapsed.days return msg